Tuesday 2 February 2016


Aimee-Jade Bryan
Original Film Postproduction: Evaluation
When Time Comes Back.

While making our short film ‘When time comes back’, there were many production stages that I was involved in. One production stage that I done was being one of the actors in the film, although I wasn’t in it for much of the film, I still had a small part. I was also part of the camera crew during some of the scenes that other people were in. I had to make sure that the camera was steady and looked professional while filming the scene and make sure that there were scenes from different angles.

My individual contribution to the making of the film was some of what the some of the wardrobe choices. For example, the shirt that Fabian was wearing was my idea when Jordan was speaking him to make it look like he has actually gone to the future and is smarter when he gets there. Also the sheet that Jordan put over him was my idea; I felt like this made him look more authoritative as he was the headman of the chamber.

The creative and technical

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