Wednesday 26 November 2014

ASSIGNMENT B : Production Research

1  What factors make up the budget for a  radio advertisement campaign ? 

In professional radio adverting production , one of the key elements is the budget .
The cost of broadcasting the commercial is negotiated by local sales teams and national/ regional agencies. One factor that makes up the budget for advertising is ' Traffic'. This is when the commercial is to be broadcast affects how much it would cost. For example - if you were to broadcast an advert during 'drive time' (effectively the prime time of radio) where the audience figures are higher, it would cost more than if it were to be broadcast during a 'graveyard' slot where there would be a lower audience figure. 

Another factor is the fee for the artist voice over. Fees for Voice over artists vary depending on whether the voice is of a celebrity, the amount of skill and experience and the type of voice over session. Voice over artists in the UK are usually paid by the hour , known as a 'Basic Session Fee'

2   What is a music bed , and what are the three types ?

A music bed is background music that is in the advert. The three types of music bed are:
  1. Live music recorded with the speech - this is using a live band or single musician.
  2. Library music - this often is copyright free which is to avoid the licence you need to use pop songs.
  3. Production music, - this is via CD (again which is often copyright free) or created 'in house' or on software such as Garage band.
3   Why does it cost money to use a pop song in a radio advert ?  What type of license would you need to apply for ?

If you plan on using music produced by somebody else you need to obtain permission as the composition is covered by copyright.

Mechanical: you need permission to reproduce, the royalties need to be paid to the artist, writer and publisher based on numbers sold.

Performance: blanket licence giving permission to broadcast / perform live, royalties paid to artist, writer and publisher when song is played or performed.

Print: royalties paid to writer and publisher based on sales of sheet music.

Synchronisation licence: This allows songs/music to be reproduced in a television program, film, video, radio and commercials as background music. 

4    What are the main differences between producing your radio advert using 

a)     Production facilities available at the radio station itself ?

In the radio station, they will be able to help you and if you pay the two or three hundred they will produce a quality radio commercial. The commercial production rate should include the scripting by a trained copywriter, licensing of music and Equity Voice Overs for broadcast on one radio station. If you wanted other services such as music production celebrity voices or broadcast on multiple stations, your local station should be able to help and quote you a price. Scriptwriting offered by a station is free on the basis that they produce the commercial. If you want to get it produced elsewhere you will probably be charged the same rate as a produced commercial. Many radio station have a dedicated studio for commercial production, or sometimes they are part of a group with centralised facilities. These kind of studios welcome guests to come and see commercials being made. Radio stations get favourable rates from Voice Overs, but if you are involved in the session they will charge an agency rate, and the studio may charge you studio time (because your involvement can slow the whole process down).

b)      An external production house ?

Another alternative is an "Out of House" Production facility With so many small radio stations opening the future of "Out of Station" or "Out of House" Production Companies seems bright. Some radio stations may only have three or four full time staff and cannot afford to employ writers and producers for their smaller local clients. Some radio stations may only have three or four full time staff and cannot afford to employ writers and producers for their smaller local clients. This is where Production Houses can offer a service. However the quality can vary from the very good to the downright dreadful.

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