Tuesday 2 December 2014


iPhone 7

Purpose of campaign:
Purpose is to sell the newest version of the Apple iPhone.

wider screen, download more apps, bigger memory storage.

Potential stations that this advert could be advertised on is those such Radio 1, Capital XTRA, Kiss etc., due to those having young listeners who might want the latest iPhone. Also, I will be shown as peak times, such as rush hour because that's when young people will tune in to the radio because they're travelling somewhere.

Production Roles:

Target Audience:
The new iPhone is aimed at both men and woman of all ages.

Elements of budget:
My voice actors would be people that I know so I won't have to pay them for their work that they do for me.

Production Roles  
  ( explain your roles of   director, writer, editor , list any ideas for types of voices  and  voice actors, list who will be giving technical support)
   Elements of budget  
  Look at this website to list elements that would cost money  and explain how you are able to afford this.  e.g your voice actors are media students so do not have to be paid, you are sourcing free sound effects etc. If there are any  actual costs,  list them here. 

Glastonbury Festival

Purpose of campaign:
Purpose is  to let people when the festival is and who will be performing and to tell them when tickets will be on sale.


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