INDIVIDUAL : You must plan and create a treatment for an original short fictional film ( 4-8 minutes in length) .
Your film idea must have a complete narrative ( main plot, opening and ending).
A Complete the following information about your film on the blog, in Word or on paper .
Genre(s): Horror
Draft title: The Noise
Brief summary of plot : ( Keep as simple as possible . e.g Who is your main character ?What do they want ? What's stopping him/her ? )
The main character is Ben. The film is based around the fact that he keeps hearing the same noise over and over again and he's trying to figure out where it's coming from.
Opening : How does your film start ? What is the first scene ? As your film is short, you will need to open your film in a way which quickly establishes the genre, setting, situation and characters of your film :
It starts with the main character waking up in the living room. He hears noises in the house a few times by doesn't take notice
Ending what is your final scene? Is it an open or closed ending ?
It ends with the loudest bang the man hears and then the 'thing' is behind him and it blacks out. The ending could be considered both open and closed as you don't really know what has happened to the main character.
Single or multistrand narrative ?
Links and images from any films , TV programmes etc. that have influenced you.
B You need to complete a draft storyboard summarising the visual style , potential events, use of music /dialogue/sound fx and some possible camera shots from your film . This should be a minimum of 8 shots .